Metal Detector Stories

We always love a good story around the campfire,or something to ponder while sitting on the couch having a cold beer.

We'd love to post your stories of your metal detector finds here at the site.So feel free to send us a letter,and share a memory with us while you're out in the field metal detecting.

Whether it's a treasure trove of gold you found,or a disappointing day digging up trash.Every trip out there in the field has a story.So please share yours with us,by contacting us a here -->

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Metal Detecting For Gold In Mn

Metal Detecting For Gold In Mn

A question every new treasure hunter asks,but as my previous rants go on to say,the find is like a thrill in itself,and just as much as an addiction as gold fever would be if taking victim of it,or maybe said if falling victim to it.

Is there gold in Minnesota?

Yea..Gold flake has been found here in the past,and from my research they have pretty much found it all.

I find that strange,because prospecting for it never went any further,than the newspaper reports,or stories we've heard.

How much?..Well,I believe most of it was ridden with untruth,for reasons desperate in attempt to draw attention,draw business to a community perhaps.

So I can't say how much,but can say all those who rushed here looking went home broke.

As of present day?

They were,and perhaps still are...drilling deep in the ground in the Ely area,and were drilling into lakes itself,with an investment of what one would do to start an oil well.

They have to drill DEEP.

Many of these private investors/companies closed down after 2-3 years,and all that remains is evidence of some deep drilling etc,at the locations they drilled.

What,and how much they found?

Who knows,but one certain fact remains that deep drilling is a short term thing for gold in Minnesota.

They are very secret on the finds,and unless you have a few million to make six million,will put an end to your wondering if there is gold in Mn.

My conclusion is they must know exact deposits by some type of satelite imagery,because why else be so pinpoint on the locations,and not even moving over 10 yards for another drill after a couple years.

Not to mention the politics involved when getting permission to drill.

What makes anyone want to gamble on a deep drill here,is something along the lines of the "Matrix" Movie capability,and some serious insite info.

There is no good spots in any county for metal detecting for gold here in the state.

If you want to find gold in Mn,then learn your deep drilling,and get in good with the inside intelligence in that type of prospecting,more like mining with those with NASA intelligence like that movie "Armageddon".

Gold Jewelry

Sure you can have your hopes,and dreams looking for lost gold jewelry here.

But,if you think you'll be finding gold nuggets here..You're in for a surprise.

No,you won't pick up flake.That sand bag pile in the ground don't exist either.

The best places for metal detecting for gold in Minnesota would be the beaches.

A ring is the only possibilty for now,and if someone found a spot with their detector?

It would be a secret between them,and that spot.

The gold rush is over in these parts,but there is alot of good stuff out there to find.