Metal Detector Stories

We always love a good story around the campfire,or something to ponder while sitting on the couch having a cold beer.

We'd love to post your stories of your metal detector finds here at the site.So feel free to send us a letter,and share a memory with us while you're out in the field metal detecting.

Whether it's a treasure trove of gold you found,or a disappointing day digging up trash.Every trip out there in the field has a story.So please share yours with us,by contacting us a here -->

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mn Treasure Hunt

The Mn Treasure Hunt is about to begin.

Spring is here,and many of us are charging up our batteries for the old metal detectors ready to hit the fields,parks,and beaches.Not that a whole lot was lost on the beaches this last winter,or any winter for that matter on the beaches.(bad joke).

I hope to add some more interesting types of stories here to the blog,other than hunting for medallions hid by others,or that lost silver coin that fell out of Uncle Jimmy's pocket in the 40's at the old farm.

I'm going to look into some rock hounding adventures,and gem hunting here in Minnesota.

I've read up on this stuff,like many us have.It's mostly in theory when it comes to our knowledge in gem hunting for many of us.

I have looked for diamonds before in Arkansas.I've read up on them some,from a quick beginner course pamplet for amateurs.Please don't laugh,because I am right now writing this.

The truth is,ther are vaulable gems to be found,and rocks for that matter that have a collector value here in the state.

From Supior an occasional diamond.

That's right,you can find a raw diamond here in the state,and I'm sure many other types of gems can be found here as well.We're a little under-explored in this field,and I'd like to share some stories from others about their rock hounding experiences.

The reason why I want to add other topics here on Mn Treasure Hunting.Is we're always looking at the ground while detecting.I think it would be killing two birds with one stone,educating ourselves on identifying rocks of value.

Something that sticks out,something unusual.

I found a 3/4th to 1 carat raw diamond playing in the dirt at 8 years old 10 miles outside Minneapolis.

I always remembered that strange shaped rock.The problem was,I didn't know it was a diamond.Where it is,is probably somewhere not far where I found it..hahahaha.

I have found arrowheads,and other Indian Relics looking for crayfish on lake shorelines,and creeks.

I have found beautiful agates after a wet dewy morning,or rain watching my step avoiding puddles on a gravel road.

We have to learn to take advantage of everything on,and in the ground when it comes to a Mn treasure hunt.Beacuse that's exactly what we're doing.We have to become good amateurs in all fields when it comes to stuff in the ground,and I believe I got my point across to all of you.

So this 2013 year,we're going to cover alot of ground here.There really is alot of great things to find.

Another positive fact is greater Minnesota has alot different geological terrain.

So looking foward to some rock hounders sharing their finds here as well.